Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions form part of your agreement with Chiltons Gourmet Foods (CGF). By accessing our websites, signing up for a service, registering as a customer, or ordering products you agree to be bound by and comply with these terms.

Refund Policy

We hand pack all our orders to ensure our products arrive to you in a satisfactory condition for general consumption.
If you receive an item/s that cannot be used for it’s intended purpose, Chiltons Gourmet Foods Online, will offer a refund or replacement if the problem is of a major nature. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission defines a major problem occurring when item/s:
  • Has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it
  • Is unsafe
  • Is significantly different from the sample or description
  • Doesn’t do what we said it would, or what you asked for and can’t be easily fixed
Under the Australian Consumer laws, we are not obliged to give a refund or offer a replacement if you just change your purchase decision. If the reason you are seeking a refund or exchange is not a major issue, and action will be at our discretion.
All returns must meet the following conditions:
  • proof of purchase must be retained and provided when requested.
  • notify us within 24 hours of receiving the item/s by email to service@chiltons.com.au
  • we may request the item/s to be inspected by our team. In this case the item/s must be retained, with all original packaging.
You acknowledge and agree that:
(a) if you do not comply with any aspect of the returns process specified as above, you will be deemed to have accepted delivery of the item and you will not be entitled to have your item repaired or replaced and you will not be entitled to a refund; and
 (b) Chiltons Gourmet Foods acceptance of the return of defective Item/s is not an acknowledgment of any fault by Chiltons Gourmet Foods or of any breach of the Terms & Conditions by Chiltons Gouremt Foods and is not an acceptance of a granting credit to you.

Your orders and rights are protected under Consumer Law. Please visit www.consumerlaw.gov.au for more information. If you have any problems with any of your products or the service you receive, please notify us immediately.

Business Customers

If you have any questions regarding your invoice or payment term, please contact Chiltons Gourmet Foods directly on 03 8761 6601.